Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Israel Women Military

Israel Women Military - In 1959, the Israeli government took a decisive legislative step to equalize the right of men and women to serve their country equally. The government has introduced compulsory military service for men and women over 18.

The mandatory military service term for women is 1 year and 9 months. However, it is gradually approaching 3 years, the mandatory work period for men in recent years. Since then, all women have been conscripted into the military in Israel, as long as the army does not oppose their moral and religious principles.

Israel Women Military

Portrait Of Israel Defense Forces Women Downtown Jerusalem, Editorial Photo - Image Of City, Fight: 175762966Source:

Only girls who are already married and have children are not invited. The IDF is also unique in that its hierarchy and code of conduct are very informal compared to other countries' militaries. Officers usually eat and sleep with their soldiers, and salutes are generally not required.

Military Service Acts As A “Right Of Passage” For Israeli Citizens

If you join the US military, don't see the same protocol! While gender equality is at the forefront of policy discussion, only American men over the age of 18 are required to register for the selective service system, even though the United States has not implemented conscription since the Vietnam War.

The Selective Service system creates a pool of men aged 18 to 25 who can be called upon in times of crisis. Military officials required women to register for the draft earlier this year, and at least one bill has been introduced in Congress.

A February poll by Rasmussen Reports found that 49% of US voters agree that women should register for a possible camouflage uniform. Although the number of volunteers is small, both women and men over the age of 18 are recruited into the Bolivian army.

Last year, the country named its first army general, Gina Reck Teran, making her the first woman to directly command a military force in Latin America. While the issue of joint service is officially for the welfare of religious male soldiers and their legal corpus of Jewish law and practice is permitted with permissible service defined in the Torah and interpreted by rabbinic authority.

Women Can Serve In Combat Positions

The Mishnah and Talmud.halachic restrictions, apparently in violation of the rabbinical injunction that religious women must not join the armed forces, are at the heart of rabbinical opposition to the expansion of women's service in the IDF.

It is unclear whether women served in combat roles prior to the formation of the IDF, and if so, to what extent. Researcher Lilah Rosenberg-Friedman says reality is far from being a myth. Although Palm teaches women to fight, when tested, women's traditional views are predominantly pro-war;

A month after the start of the independence war, all female soldiers were transferred to the front and only a few with professional skills remained in their posts (from Busidan). In 1948, in newly formed Israel, the Women's Corps was established as part of the army, where only female volunteers served.

Westend Boards Israeli Female Army Comedy-Drama Series 'Dismissed' –  DeadlineSource:

Its first commander was Colonel Shoshana Gershom, a Russian veteran of the British Army and the underground Haganah militia. In 2001, the Women's Corps was dissolved and replaced by the Chief of Staff Advisor for Women's Affairs, headed by Brigadier General Susie Yogeve.

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"The army was a women's job, it had to be overcome," said Arbell, whose wife served in the Israeli army. "Israeli women see the military differently today because it is more diverse and has more opportunities."

But the war effort is becoming more balanced. In 2000, the IDF created its first armored battalion, the Caracal, followed by the Jordan Valley and Leões de Bardelas. The fourth joint battalion was set to deploy in February 2017, and by the end of 2018, the IDF expects to have over a thousand troops serving in combat battalions.

All these groups are primarily responsible for guarding different parts of Israel's border. In 2015, North Korea's often secretive government launched a mandatory draft for women who complete high school by age 23, 10 years younger than men.

Military life in North Korea remains a bit of a mystery, with photos of female soldiers walking rivers in high heels surfacing in 2013. In addition to expanding the roles open to women, the IDF has taken steps to change the general attitude towards the female military service.

Reflecting this change, the Female Corps was disbanded in 2001 and replaced by the position of Counselor to the Chief of Staff for Women's Affairs (later renamed Counselor for Gender Affairs). The position was defined to reflect the view that women's work should not be treated separately on the basis of gender;

In contrast, female soldiers, like their male counterparts, must obey their commanders in all respects except to act in ways characteristic of women. The unit's role includes promoting equal opportunities for women in the IDF. Army officials saw the movement as an important milestone in shaping the approach to integrating women into the armed forces.

From its earliest days, the IDF required all men and women to join its ranks, so universal conscription was created. The years vary slightly, with the boys serving three years of mandatory service and two girls both entering high school at age 18.

This is still true today. The presence of women in the Armed Forces was not without problems, both in terms of socialization and in the functions assigned to them. The War of Independence, a war of survival in which ten thousand Israelis out of six hundred thousand men were killed, was the last war in which women fought on the front lines and directly lost their lives.

Idf - Israel Defense Forces - Women 🇮🇱 | Military Women, Army Women, Military GirlSource:

to enemy fire. Israel, one of the world's most notorious military enlistments, has a long-standing policy of compulsory military service for both men and women, although there are some exemptions, including for pastors and new mothers and for religious reasons.

Despite Ben-Gurion's strong stance on gender equality, women were initially allowed to serve in the military as office workers, nurses, and teachers - traditionally female roles. Despite this inherent discrimination, female service members' sense of mission and motivation in the early days of the Female Corps was relatively high, for example, a September 1948 survey of the 205th Battalion of the Female Corps showed that 93% of female soldiers entered the female corps. reported his pride.

However, some important steps were taken in those years regarding female military service, such as the lifting of restrictions on women in combat zones, especially outside Israel's borders (1982), and the repeal of the section of the Defense Service Act .

pointed out closed positions and roles for women (1987). In fact, after the War of Independence and in the context of the capture of women by the enemy (according to Rosenberg-Friedman, approximately one hundred women were captured), the Defense Service Act defined three categories of roles that were not assigned to women.

: occupations that require physical skills, occupations where working conditions are unsuitable for women, combat roles. It is especially disheartening to hear America's social justice warriors, none of whom have ever carried a weapon in combat or been shot by the enemy, use the IDF and accept women as legitimate shields in their combat roles.

There is concern that the US military is undermining itself by putting "diversity" and other social engineering goals ahead of effective warfare and winning at every mission. These couch "analysts" know nothing about Israeli society, which is still highly patriarchal with the enthusiastic support of many women.

Israel puts a stop to its women and children. Young men and women can't wait to get married and start a family with at least three children. While the role of women in Israel's defense is huge and critical, the idea of ​​a mixed-gender tank crew or female casualties on the battlefield is unthinkable.

Women have served in the IDF since its inception in 1948, and the Women's Corps was formed on 16 May 1948 from female officers serving in the British Army. In 1949, assistance to women was linked to the Security Service Law 5749/1949.

According to the Security Service Act, an "army veteran" who is either male or female, an Israeli citizen or a permanent resident, who has reached the age of 18 and has not been discharged from duty, can be called up.

Idf - Israel Defense Forces - Women | Military Girl, Military Women, Idf  WomenSource:

For recruitment. At the time of enactment of the law, the period of service was 30 months for men and eighteen months for women. The law also provides that women can ask to leave the military for religious and conscientious reasons, as well as for three additional reasons: parenthood, marriage and pregnancy.

In September 2017, the IDF launched a unique pilot program to train and integrate women as combatants into the Armed Corps. In June 2018, Chief of Staff and Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces Gadi Izenkot crowned the pilot a success, but the new Chief of Staff, Aviv Kochavi, decided not to introduce female graduates into the corps or carry out additional training.

women for these seats. An IDF spokesman said the decision was made due to manpower and infrastructure considerations, but no details were given. Opinions differ on the success rate of the pilot program, and religious pressure against integrating women into combat units influenced the decision-making process.

Broadly speaking, the IDF's approach to women's service can be divided into two periods: before the Alice Miller case (1995) - more precisely, before the Supreme Court's 2000 amendment to the Defense Services Act. - And after this.

The big difference between the two periods is not related to the number of units open to women, which accelerated after the decision, but to the percentage of registered women. What changed instead was the motivation for integrating women into military units and the principle of integrating women into the IDF and maximizing their potential.

The image of a strong female warrior has evoked the mind since ancient times. Warrior women participated in the Trojan War on the side of Troy. According to Herodotus, the Greeks captured a group of Amazons and sent them home in three ships.

According to another legend, Hippolyta, queen of the Amazons, owns the golden belt that Hercules followed - his ninth feat, as described in Homer's Iliad. Roman historians also wrote about the Amazons, noting the great victories of female warriors in Asia, Libya, Phrygia and Cilicia.

According to the evidence of the Spaniards, the descendants of the Amazons even went to South America. Some historians argue that the name of this tribe gave its name to the wide and full river there.

2020: The Supreme Court allows four women to apply to the IDF to allow female conscripts to serve in elite combat units. The judges also confirmed that the IDF should investigate the work of the existing committee on the integration of women into combat units.

Idf - Israel Defense Forces - Women | Military Women, Army Women, Military GirlSource:

Although the joint service order does not address the issue of service to women in the IDF and the expansion of units open to them, the issue of joint service in both public debate and IDF discussions is related to the main issue of service to women.

in various departments and mainly in combat units. Following the committee's work, the IDF adopted a new strategic plan in 2010 to promote equal opportunities. The strategy was developed after work by staff in Yohanlan's department (Advisor to the Chief of Staff for Women's Affairs, later renamed Adviser to the Chief of Staff for Gender Affairs) highlighted the need for a comprehensive and systematic plan to address issues of gender.

disadvantages, taking into account structural and cultural aspects. The objectives of the formulated plan are, among other things, to update the Security Service Act in line with the vision of the IDF, to raise gender awareness in the IDF, to integrate the value of gender equality into the IDF ethos of the "human level" , and to empower women.

Women fighters also occupy a unique position in Israel's Mossad intelligence agency. Female spies are involved in covert operations around the world. "He gave Israel more than any of its leaders," was how Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir once described the heroism of the Israeli spy executed on the orders of Egyptian President Anwar el-Sadat.

The fascinating stories of the legendary Heba Salim and two other Israeli spies who worked for the Mossad were recently published by the Egyptian publication SasaPost. 1949: The Defense Service Act makes military service compulsory for women.

At the time of this law, the period of military service was 30 months for men and 18 months for women. According to the law, women can apply for exemption from military service on grounds of religion or conscience.

More recently, the girls have served in rear units as signal officers, drivers, medics, computer specialists, aviation technicians and personnel. Banned for female soldiers in war. However, female instructors are well represented in tank, sniper and bomb-disposal schools, which are involved in training specialists for combat units.

But women were not always seen as equals in the ranks. In 1994, Alice Miller sued the Israel Defense Forces because her gender prevented her from becoming a pilot. She won and now combat roles are open to women.

Zionism's mission is to serve as the world's leading online resource for up-to-date information about Zionism, the national movement of the Jewish people and its greatest achievement, the State of Israel, old and new. 2000. Unfortunately, Israel, during a propaganda war that is less important than most gunfight wars, used female soldiers, especially those in near-combat roles in intelligence or peacekeeping, to improve its image.

How Does The Caracal Battalion Work, The Combat Unit Of The Israeli Army  Where Women Are In The Majority - InfobaeSource:

As an egalitarian society in the United States and Western Europe, perhaps it masks its traditional nature as a traditional society. This is unfortunate because Israel is a leader in intelligently integrating female personnel into its military and security forces, and a commonsense approach to other Western countries can maximize resource use and increase combat readiness.

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) is among the only armies in the world to include women in its ranks under a mandatory military draft. By 2021, women will make up about 40% of the IDF's conscript soldiers and about 25% of the officer corps.

In 2018, approximately 10,000 women served regularly in the IDF. Despite the bill's "mandatory" nature, the average rate for women in recent years has been 58%, significantly lower than the average recruitment rate for men, which is 75% of possible recruitment.

National service teaches young people how to solve problems, work with different people and build networks. According to Dan Senor and Saul Singer, authors of Startup Nation: The Story of Israel's Economic Miracle, these skills are essential for starting or running an entrepreneurial business.

In October 1949, about half a year after the establishment of the State of Israel, the Institute for Applied Social Research conducted a poll of the public on whether or not they were in favor of equal rights for women, and indeed, 92% were in favour.

. However, the question of whether women should be drafted in peacetime (i.e. whether there should be mandatory conscription for women) was split: 52.5% were in favor and 47.5% were against. Israeli leaders, including David Ben-Gurion, were unequivocal on this point: Ben-Gurion believed that the state should demand more from women than men and give them equal rights (State of Israel, Public Opinion on the Recruitment of Women) .

Men usually serve for three years and women for a little up to two years. Israel's recruitment rate is impressive, with 80% of recruits being recruited. While service is mandatory, there are exemptions for married women and women with children, the physically or psychologically disabled, religious men studying at a Jewish legal institution, or religious women wishing to do "national service" or community service.


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