Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Iran Military Forum

Iran Military Forum - "The strike shows that Iran's ballistic missiles have an accurate and precise guidance system," said Carl Schuster, former director of operations at the US Pacific Command's Joint Intelligence Center, noting that the more than a dozen missiles fired at American targets did not cause trouble.

single dead. , which he and other observers say is contrived and not random. Iran uses religious sects as a strategic tool to expand its influence in the region. The role of the sect is not just rhetoric, but manifests itself on the ground in the support of the country's Shiite minorities throughout the Arab world.

Iran Military Forum

Hide And Seek: The Dangers Of Us Support For A Gulf-Israeli Defence Pact – European Council On Foreign RelationsSource:

Whenever possible, Iran seeks to establish or provide support to Shiite political parties or militias abroad, including Hezbollah, that oppose its interests in pressuring their respective governments. This is also due to the failure of political actions against Iran's interests.

Pakistan Defence Forum » Iranian Defence

This was particularly evident in the case of the Houthis, where the Iranian government provided military support to the Houthis until the occupation of Sana'a in September 2014. Stranger Things Happened at Sea these days. Earlier this year, an Israeli cargo ship, the MV Helios, was seriously damaged during a transit in the Gulf of Oman.

Two large holes were torn in the hull and Israel quickly blamed Iran's IRGC. Iran has denied involvement. UAE Energy Minister Suhail al-Mazrouei said on Monday that Russian oil is needed in the energy market and that no producer can replace the oil.

He said that OPEC +, an alliance of major crude producers that includes Russia, needs to stick together, stay focused and not allow politics to distract the group. During the reign of Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, Iranian military doctrine was based on Western weapons and ideas.

Most of the military contracts during this time were with the United States and other Western countries, and many Iranian officers were sent to these countries for training. In the Iranian Revolution of 1979, the authorities executed many military officers loyal to the Shah while others - especially those in the navy - fled.

Uskowi On Iran: Iran Military Forum HackedSource:

Defencehub Forum » Iran Defence

This tension has led to the loss of the ability of the Iranian army to apply the doctrine of war on the battlefield and to counterbalance the regular armed forces. Therefore, Khomeini created the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps to become Iran's "long arm" in the region.

The aim is to change the doctrine of the post-revolutionary Iranian army to a doctrine of revolutionary fervor, "Islamic" principles and Shiite ideology - so that Iran can recruit volunteers to fight against the name of jihad.

He pointed to the Bab el-Mandeb Strait, which connects the Red Sea to the Indian Ocean and is off the coast of Yemen, where the Tehran-allied Houthis control territory. The relatively narrow waterway could be covered by weapons supplied by Iran to the Houthis, Schuster said.

In 2019, drone and missile attacks damaged two major Saudi oil facilities. Both the United States and Saudi Arabia have linked the attacks to Iran, although Tehran has denied involvement and pointed to the rebels' claim of responsibility in Yemen.

Unconventional Forces And Proxies

Speaking on Monday during the visit of US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu said: "In the Middle East there is no threat more powerful, more dangerous, more urgent than the one made by

fanatical regime in Iran." Do not believe Iran's claim that its nuclear program is purely a peaceful civilian program. Israel is convinced that Iran is secretly working on developing nuclear weapons and how to deliver them by missile.

Iranian Infantry Has Come A Long Way - Waff - World Armed Forces Forum.Source:

The group was designated an FTO by the United States in 2019 under then-President Donald Trump's "maximum pressure" campaign, aimed at curbing Tehran's influence in the region. after the US withdrew from the nuclear deal in 2018. Suffice it to say.

but the Iranian constitution establishes the Iranian army and the Revolutionary Guards on this sectarian basis. These forces are not only responsible for protecting and guarding the borders, but also for carrying the "burden of their holy mission:" jihad for God, extending the rule of God's law and

Russian Defence Forum » Iran

the concept of vilayet-e faqih. Khomeini stated in a statement issued on July 30, 1988: However, the United States claims that the Quds Force has a broader role in providing funding, training, weapons, and equipment to the organizations.

designated by Washington as a terrorist group in the Middle East. These include the Hezbollah movement in Lebanon and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad. Since 2017, Iran has had a Russian-supplied SA-20c long-range surface-to-air missile, according to the US Defense Intelligence Agency, which calls the system "the most capable element of the system

-integrated air defense" in Iran in the assessment of 2019. by Tehran's military. Like many developing countries, the agricultural sector is a major contributor to Egypt's GDP, accounting for over 11%. Yehia said that in addition to being environmentally friendly, his produce is 20% cheaper than what farmers in Egypt are used to.

"Iran has shifted the balance of power effectively in the Middle East by developing superior capabilities in third-party warfare," said John Chipman, CEO and executive director of of IISS, wrote in a comment last November. President Joe Biden wants the United States back into the deal, but only if Iran returns to full compliance.

Iran Reports Drone Attack On Military Facility – Dw – 01/29/2023Source:

Reddit » Defense Iran

Basically Iran is saying, "No, we don't trust you, you go ahead. We will fully comply when the sanctions are lifted." "Unfortunately for Iran, Hezbollah is the best partner in defeating Israel, but this could be an extended move that could involve Hezbollah in a war that Iran wants to avoid.

The Iranians often have an asymmetric advantage, but with Israel they are pushed out. The Israelis both have longer distances and are faster and when they decide to pull out immediately, as in Syria, they they hit harder. Iran recognizes that sanctions and the FTO designation are separate matters, the latter a legacy of the Trump era, analysts say. "Trump has set a precedent," said

Haghirian. "They know it won't have a big impact." Iran doesn't currently have a nuclear weapons program, and has previously said it doesn't need one. But it has the necessary components and the ability to create one.

-nuclear soldier. "He will work with all our power ahay to reduce the cases of corruption and incompetence of American officials, even if it requires a strong struggle. We do not allow repeated results of surrender and compromise with America, Russia, infidels and infidels in the Kaaba and Hajj.

This is the big step to bring the appeal of the oppressed to the world. We ask God to give us such strength, to spread the message of death to America and Russia, not only from the Muslim Kaaba, but also from the churches of the world."

The Thought Forum is an initiative of the Washington Institute for Near East Policy. The opinions expressed by Fikra Forum participants are the views of the individual authors, and are not necessarily endorsed by the institution, its staff, board or advisors.

Iranian Army | Defencetalk ForumSource:

The group was sent to Syria, where it advised soldiers loyal to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and armed Shiite militias fighting them. In Iraq, it supported a Shia-dominated paramilitary force that helped defeat IS. Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates have both been bombarded by Iran-backed Houthi rebels in Yemen, and recently a drone strike hit an oil depot in the kingdom's second-largest city, Jeddah, 20 miles away.

the Formula One track during practice. "Surprise, confusion and speed are critical to success, and the limited space in the Strait of Hormuz, which is about 32 kilometers (20 miles) in the tightest of places, it increases the probability of thousands of successful attacks," the IISS said.

said the report. Every year, the country throws away thousands of tons of shrimp waste that pollutes the environment. The country has a lot of shrimp, and it has the basic ingredients of a product that could change the way of farming in Egypt.

In Syria and Lebanon, there is always the possibility of Iran using its proxies to attack Israel, but it is very dangerous. Israel has made clear the extent of the response and where it will land: in Iran.

Schuster said the Houthis "can drive people off the coast, fire multiple missiles at (US) ships that pass by, and even if they don't actually hit, they send a message." "When the United States and Iran both have a presence [in the Persian Gulf] and both consider the other navies to be terrorist organizations, there is no communication and that can cause serious problems," he said.

Iran has earned the respect and loyalty of its proxies by surviving for 40 years as a "lawbreaker and proxy" for the world order — and Iran's adversaries have no effective means of stopping these proxy forces.

Iran Military Developments | Page 34 | Indian Defence ForumSource:

, said Chipman. Pakistan Defense Forum » Iran Defense Discuss Iran's strategic issues, military capabilities, nuclear program, political situation and path to military power

grown up in the Middle East. Pakistan Defense Forum is a forum for Pakistan's military and international defense with military news and discussion. 7.8M⋅ 22.5K ⋅8 articles / week Apart from nuclear compliance, it remains unclear what Iran will offer in return for delisting.

Ned Price, a spokesman for the US State Department, declined to answer questions last week about an Axios report that said Tehran would publicly commit to hostages in the Middle East if the IRGC was removed as an FTO.

The Qiam-1 missile has been in mass production since 2011, has a range of up to 700 km and a payload (a measure of the amount of explosive material it can carry) of 750 kg. Iran used it against IS fighters in June 2017. "If they wanted to do it, and with very little warning, the Iranians could attack anywhere," US General James Marks said.

retired and CNN analyst. About 60,000 American soldiers are at risk, he said. Lessons learned from the Iran–Iraq War of 1980–1988 produced important elements of Iranian military doctrine that continue to shape Iranian military operations today.

Other experiences – such as the US occupation of Iraq in 2003, the war between Israel and Hezbollah in 2006 and the conflict between the Palestinian and Israeli movements – have provided lessons that guide the

ideologies and political strategies in the country. Iran's military doctrine focuses on asymmetric warfare. It emphasizes the use of geography, strategic depth, and a general willingness to accept defeat in the name of jihad as a means of dealing with technologically advanced adversaries such as the United States and Israel.

It also sent a message of deterrence, as dozens of US military bases in the Middle East are within range of Iran's missile arsenal, which the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) reports is the largest.

in the area.

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